Rader-Stanley Ranch “Eagle Point Ranching Tradition” By Susan ‘Stanley’ Kendle Most people have no idea where Rader Hills are located and the significance they might hold. If you follow the signs on Hwy 140 to the VA Cemetery, you will first turn north on Riley Road located southeast of Eagle Point. As you travel, passing…
Rader/Stanley Ranch
My Memories of Mom and Dad!

My Memories of Mom and Dad! By Bonnie ‘Millard’ Nutter I have so many fond memories of my Mom and Dad. (Arlin and Garrel Millard. Dad was the grocery shopper in the family. He loved to shop for bargains. I loved to go with him. We would go to the Big Y. I…
Memories of Lake Creek by Kenny Millard

By Kenny Millard (2006) Provided by:Sister Hazel ‘Millard’ Siebrecht Barn picture taken 2009 for LCHS 2010 calendar. Our two oldest grandsons are now driving and it scares the “@#! %*%#@” out of me, because I was such a calm and collected driver, I wish they would drive more like I did. We drove up to…
Memories of past students
Barbara Fry Remembers – Lake Creek School I went to school when I was 4 years old. The teachers, bless their hearts, didn’t care if these little ones tagged along to school and so I went to school with my sister, Eva. When I started first grade, Jimmy Damon and I were the only two…

MEMORIES OF MOM (Garrel ‘Charley’ Millard by Daughter Hazel ‘Millard’ Siebrecht My mother was a character. She had a sneaky sense of humor and a mischievous way about her that was endearing. The boys in our family didn’t get their orneriness from Dad; he was pretty serious and businesslike. There was no meanness in…
Amy Grissom

My Mother: Amy ‘Davis’ Grissom Written by: Don Grissom This is the life of Amy Grissom as I remember it. Her parents moved from Missouri in 1886 and homesteaded near the head of Tyler Creek on the Greenspring Mountain. Amy was born in 1890. She had several brothers and sisters. Amy got a teacher’s certificate…
Amber Owen

AMBER ’COHRON’ OWEN By Kathleen Berryman From Dan Berryman’s recollections. Amber Owen was one-quarter Choctaw Indian and grew up in Texas. Her family was very poor and she picked cotton as a young girl. She married Jack Moses Owen, who was Dan’s grandfather. Jack and Amber had five children, one son Kenneth, and four daughters,…