I just finish a family book I have been working on for a number of years. I will have it available to the public this spring 2021. ~ David
Nickell family homesteads in Lake Creek

Pic: Will Nickell and his horses on ranch Salt Creek Rd. The following are remembrances of William A. Nickell written by his Nephew, Hawthorne Garrison Rebensdorf of Woodlawn, Oregon in 1977: William Alexander ‘Will’ Nickell was born on Nov. 3, 1873 in Aurora, Hamilton County, Nebraska. Will emigrated at age 6 to Portland,…
Lake Creek Roots

Florence (Grandma on right) and sister Maud c. 1900. The Lake Creek Thumberg homestead that Frederick Thumberg built c 1890 on the Salt Creek Road property. Photo by Victor Thumberg c. 1950 Lake Creek Roots – by Garry Wilson “Walking. I am listening to a deeper way. Suddenly all my ancestors are behind…
Tales of the South Fork
TALES OF THE SOUTH FORK Water Should Run Downhill This is a first of three stories that Paul Wendt wrote in 1991 of his experiences in Lake Creek. They bought Farlows place on South Fork Little Butte. Susan Shoemaker donated these stories that her father wrote to the LCHS. Thank you Susan. Copied from the…
Sixtythree Years Ago

Harriet and Victor Gardener Believe written in 1979 By Victor E. Gardener Before beginning to tell of this adventure which took place sixty-three years ago I should give a short biography of three people principally involved. The youngest, Everett Dahack, was born circa 1900. I don’t know much about Everett. I was well acquainted…
Proper Resting Place

PROPER RESTING PLACE By Jenny Randall-Cook, Seattle, WA I started my journey to find my Randles family in my early 20’s when I had moved from Northern Idaho to Seattle, WA. In those days, as many before me have done, I logged many hours looking at reels of film at the National Archives Records Administration. …
We were not the first here.

Caption:The ‘Forks’ from Hwy 140. In 1951, I came to “The Forks” or the old Zundel place at the forks of the South and North Fork of Little Butte Creek. I grew up there for the next 12 years. In that time, I found, through boyhood wanders, many native sites showing how the land…
RVGS Cemetery Committee

RVGS Cemetery Committee Lee and Dirk Chuck, Carl & Roger Written by Carl Shauger On Friday, June 1, 2012, I had the privilege to tag along with Chuck Eccleston and Roger Roberts to a cemetery site in the Lake Creek area of Jackson County with their purpose of surveying a cemetery…
My Aunt Allie Tyrrell

I should explain who I am and how I got to know and love my Aunt Allie ‘Tyrrell’ Farlow and the Lake Creek of the early forties even though I spent less than a year in her home. World War Two was raging across Europe and our nation was swept into the battle. The area…
Victor Gardener/Violin Maker

Victor Gardener (Vittore E. Giardinieri) (1909-2006) Printed with permission from Christopher Dungey (2012) (www.oregonencyclopedia.org) Victor Gardener (Vittore E. Giardinieri) was a master instrument maker who had a tremendous impact on players, teachers, and luthiers, including one of his most gifted apprentices, Michael Klein. To honor Victor Gardener in 2000,Klein established the Giardinieri Violin Making…