Title: The History of Lake Creek: Struggles and Perseverance of the Early Settlers. The Lake Creek Historical Society has a booklet for sale. $10.00. If ordered by mail please enclose $3.00 for postage. Sample of Chapters in booklet: Lake Creek get its name, First settlers come to Lake Creek, Ranch life in Lake Creek, The Little…
Glenn Jackson
Glenn Jackson (1902-1980) Picture Glenn Jackson on his ranch (Cascade Ranches) in Lake Creek. Recognized as one of Oregon’s most influential figures of the twentieth century, Glenn Jackson left his mark through public service and corporate leadership. He was born in Albany, Oregon, on April 27, 1902, to W. L. Jackson, copublisher of the…
Lost Creek Covered Bridge
Another one of Ralph Wehingers major achievement was the restoration and preservation of Lost Creek Covered Bridge. When Ralph began the project, the bridge needed major restoration. Ralph put together the funding required to completely remove the bridge from its footings, and make all the needed repairs. Today the bridge is visited by thousands of…
Ralph Wehinger, 1954-2002
In December 2002, Lake Creek lost one of its modern day pioneers, Ralph Wehinger. He was a man of vision and boundless energy. His contributions to Jackson County and the State of Oregon were many. Ralph saw the need to preserve our rich Lake Creek heritage and went to work. He formed the Lake Creek…