Title: The History of Lake Creek: Struggles and Perseverance of the Early Settlers. The Lake Creek Historical Society has a booklet for sale. $10.00. If ordered by mail please enclose $3.00 for postage. Sample of Chapters in booklet: Lake Creek get its name, First settlers come to Lake Creek, Ranch life in Lake Creek, The Little…
Tablecloth Mystery
Mystery Tablecloth A tablecloth found in a local home provided an intriguing mystery. Thanks for some good detective work the mystery of the tablecloth ant its more then 255 signatures has been pretty well solved. One of the people who did the most research-and had the most success finding answers-was Maxine ‘Walch’ Peile, descendant of…
Lake Creek Community Building
Later known as the Lake Creek Pioneer Hall. This is a picture taken in 1930 of the original hall that occupied this location. It was privately owned by the Wyant Family and burned down in the summer of 1940. My older sister told me they used to have dances here and sold sandwiches and coffee. …