Title: The History of Lake Creek: Struggles and Perseverance of the Early Settlers. The Lake Creek Historical Society has a booklet for sale. $10.00. If ordered by mail please enclose $3.00 for postage. Sample of Chapters in booklet: Lake Creek get its name, First settlers come to Lake Creek, Ranch life in Lake Creek, The Little…
Lake Creek School 1914
Lake Creek School 1914 Photo donated by:Mary Ann ‘Gardener” Owen. Left to Right: Verne Meyer, George Klingle, Mary Cole, Jimmie McCallister, Beatrice Gardener, Simon McCallister, (in front) Norma Klingle, Henry Meyer, Roy Burleson, Blanche Burleson, Frank Klingle, Emmett Klingle, Loren Culbertson, Ben Gardener, Elizabeth Edler , Rosalia Gardener, Viola McCallister and teacher Mr. Good.
Lost Creek 1933-34
Lost Creek School 1933-34. Back row: Delbert Culbertson, Don Grigsby,Johnny & Tom Short, Comer Fox, Mark Hoefft, Johnny and Lloyd Walch. Front row: Joan Nussbaum, Veneta Fox, Edith Hoefft, Bill Nussbaum, Jewel Abbott, Mary Nussbaum, Margaret Walch, Evelyn Abbott, Lucille Vieaux(View), Carl and Jim Short, Lyle Hoefft. Picture provided by: James (Jimmy) Short & Lucy…
Butte Creek School
Butte Creek School 1930-31 Teacher Ellyn Charley (Mrs. Leland Charley) Eldred Charley, Isabelle Henry, Johnson kids, Charles Stanley, Merton Bradshaw, Irene (?), Gwen and Janet Charley. Butte Creek School February 13, 2012 by Lake Creek Historical Society(Edit) ButteCreek School,Dist.#65.Two miles from Brownsboro on the old road to Lake Creek. This picture…
Lost Creek School
Lost Creek School might have been taken before 1887. The tallest boy on right is Frank Farlow and boy right in front of him is Tom Farlow. Does anyone know the date of this picture and the names of the students. This picture was provided by Henry I. Pech (2011).
Lake Creek School 1912
In 1912, 21 students posed for a school photo. Standing from left are Emmit Klingle, Audley Meyer, Henry Meyer, and Celia McCallister, Vernon Meyer, Simon McCallister, Rosella Gardener, Cecil Culbertson, Mabel Culbertson, Bennet Gardener and Jm McCallister. In the second row, from the left are Vern Meyer, George Klingle, and Blanch Burleson. The next boy is believed to…
Lake Creek School
Lake Creek School no date for when this picture was taken or the names of the students. The teacher was Alma Gould per information from the SOHS.
Lake Creek School 1900
This school sat on the hill overlooking the town of Lake creek. the school was relocated farther north after the road was rerouted up on the ‘desert’, north of where the scaling station now sits on Oregon 140. This article was in the Lake Creek Letter of Winter 1999 also school articles in the Summer…
Lost Creek School 1926
Lost Creek School This picture was taken in 1926 of Guinevere.L. Kerns who was the teacher at the time. She was 17 years of age. Her son Colin McCoy lives in the Lake Creek area at the present time, with his wife Christine Reising. This school was consolidated with the Eagle Point School district in…