Later known as the Lake Creek Pioneer Hall.
This is a picture taken in 1930 of the original hall that occupied this location. It was privately owned by the Wyant Family and burned down in the summer of 1940. My older sister told me they used to have dances here and sold sandwiches and coffee. She said business always picked up when word leaked out that the moon-shiners were going to be there.
The Wyant Family deeded a ¼ acre plot on a 99 year lease to the Lake Creek Community. Residents contributed funds for material and construction on the current hall, which began around 1941 or 1942. This project went off and on for many years. I can remember helping nail on the interior ceiling in 1955. The hall was later upgraded and modified (Kitchen, Bathrooms and Office Space) by the Lake Creek Historical Society, when the hall was turned over to them, in 1990. Written by Ralph O. Wyant